Metropolitan Estates s.r.o.Praha 2, U Zvonařky 15
In METROPOLITAN ESTATES s.r.o we are focused on a professional real estate services, tailor made solutions and personal approach. METROPOLITAN ESTATES is a boutique real estate agency with an over 10 years of expertise. We offer quality properties in prime locations of Prague, both for sale and lease, and cooperate with an international clientele.
Milan GavenčiakHlásná Třebaň, Formanská 448
Mramorka s.r.o.Praha 6, Tomanova 2299/12
Můj domov REALITY s.r.o.Praha 8, Prosecká 527/24
Nice Property CO. s.r.o.Praha - Vinohrady, Bělehradská 858/23
NVVK s.r.o.Karlovy Vary, Sadová 608/14
Nyxus reality s.r.o.Praha 2, Na Folimance 2155/15