Any time we meet a new person; two first seconds determine our feeling. Unconsciously, but usually right. It is similar with a house. We walk in and feel good or bad. That is a way how we need to think while putting a house on the market.


What is important for the first impression?

It depends how much time you have and how much you want actually to put in this whole preparation. A first important thing is cleanness.  Who would want to live in dirt? Basically – who would buy anything dirty? Just check everything: walls – are they in one solid piece? Do they have any cracks or are they dirty? What about corners – any mold?


Then definitely dry it, put some chemicals on it, paint it! The same with floors. What about windows – is there a draught? Do the doors squeak? Anything what crosses your mind that could be checked and fixed, do it. It will raise the price and appearance of your future ex-house. And also attract more potential takers.



Think what you would like to see in a house what you are interested in

The more interested people you have, the more you can afford to raise the price. Try to make it a dream house for them. Take your time and think what you would like to see in a house what you are interested in.


What the condition would be like and the price related to it. Once you make your best in these all aspects, it is a first step to success. However, it is not all. After an external check there comes the internal one.


Most probably you would also want to know how it works with water and if the pipes are in good condition. Are they new? Or rusted? What about power lines?



Has there ever been a problem? And the duct? If there is a possibility to fix deeper problems like this, it again raises the house’s price. The new owners would have to fix it little later anyway so probably they will really welcome that stuff like this has been done and they can start to live without thinking on digging.


Reconstruction or rebuilding

Unless they are planning some reconstruction or rebuilding of any part. This is a good one to remember to ask, nevertheless discuss it first with your agent because he has some experience and knows when there would be the perfect timing.


It could also happen that you ask this question and the potential takers start to worry that there is something wrong with the house. And all your effort would be gone.
