Virtual office or virtual quarters is a service that is provided to entrepreneurs. Basic principal is that the owner of a virtual office leases the address to an entrepreneur. This address is registered in a commercial register. The address also can be common for more tenants (companies, businessman).
How it all started?
First kind of this seat was founded in 1995 in Colorado, the USA. In the Czech Republic this service arrived a little bit later. Essentially until 2009 it was not possible to use a virtual office, based on a civil code. According to it, all legal person had to register seat as an address where it actually resides and where the public can come into contact with the legal person. In 2009 this act was amended, thus virtual offices became legal here as well.
Virtual office on a good address = question of a status
Above all it is a question of a status. When you found a new company you can create great first impression by an address for example in a Prague center. If your company has been on the market for some time, moving to an exclusive place can represent a good way how to remind old customers of your business. Also you can draw attention of future clients.
Professional services will be provided
Virtual offices become more and more popular also due to providing another services. Mostly these are administrative services, economic and tax consultation, public representation in front of offices, forwarding post and informing about consignments etc. At one’s disposal there is a space for meetings with business partners. Also it is possible to use modern technologies (PC, printer, scanner, projector…)
What are other advantages?
One of the reasons can be also cost saving. This applies mostly at professions where the ownership of an office is more or less unnecessary. So why to pay monthly for rent, energy, water, assistant…? Consider yourself. For a seat in Prague you will monthly pay few hundreds.
Another incentive for establishing virtual office is for example fact,that people do not want to have quarters of the company on the same address with their place of residence. Also they can seek to reduce probability of a spot check from revenue authorities.